木曜日, 11月 29, 2012

Microsoft Seminar: "The New Era of Work" (Windows 8)

At the Microsoft hosted seminar "The New Era of Work", it claimed the year 2012 is an important era for the operating systems, which will incorporate touch screen capabilities, mostly due to the widespread use of mobile phones and tablets. 

Windows 8 does come with the brand new Metro style interface with boxes occupying the screen rather than icons, together with gesture recognition.  Swiping down will close the applications.  SNS updates will be tied with your directory information.  Picture password.  Start typing in and the app comes up, the Microsoft IT evangelist Brian Lewis told the audience.  It took him half a year just to come across the feature, he said. 
IT Pro Evangelist: Brian Lewis

Microsoft has a Metro style app store online.  The apps are searchable there as well, including those being sold online.  On app search box, a question came from the audience.  Can you set parental permissions? There the speaker offered a very modern answer to all possible questions.  Go online, visit his site, ask him the question there. 


There should be a lot of questions indeed.  Microsoft claims to have authority over all Metro apps distribution.  Developers need to get its approval to put their apps online for use for other machines than theirs.  Can Microsoft then take the sole responsibility of the apps? How long will be the wait time?  Would the developers' rights be severely restricted?  There are reports that the pre-installed Windows 7 apps seem to run, but the installers may not work.  It costs $49 (personal) or $99 (corporate) to submit your apps for sale at the Windows Store.

Windows 8 is going to be installed in EVERY machine available in the market.  FSF, the Free Software Foundation is asking for signing the petition: "Windows 8 doesn't offer me the privacy and freedom I deserve. I won't be upgrading to Windows 8; instead, I'm standing with the free software movement."

We had a little discussion on this topic back here.  Would it is not practical for Microsoft to have oversight over all Metro apps?  The Apple store does that, they told me.  It is for security and to make money. 

Other topics that got many asking questions is on Windows to go or USB/SSD to go feature that can put your system in the removable storage and boot the system from there.  There are such bootable image available online but not from Microsoft official site.  Now it is all possible to carry your system along wherever you go.  The questions from the audience: Security?  Partitions?  Data protections?  Will it erase the data?  There was no question, however, on how to prevent pirated such bootable systems from being sold.  Will it be protected from piracy?

Microsoft Seminar: "The New Era of Work" (Surface)


Microsoft hosted a seminar in Chicago on Wednesday titled "The New Era of Work".

Microsoft claims this is the new era of for Operating Systems.  The Internet, iPhone/iPad, and cloud has changed the nature of computer systems. 

Microsoft has long been pushing for tablet machine for some time.  And the competition is a nice thing.  The latest iPad 4 offers hardly hardware improvements other than resolution.

At the conference room, the Surface RT's were on display along with Lenovo and Toshiba machines.  All those tablet machines have no home buttons.  Swiping out to the edge does the trick.  And they come with keyboards. 

At the Surface booth, they explained to me that Surface RT has somewhat unique capability that Apple's iPad does not.  It works as a remote terminal and runs apps on the host machine just like a workstation.  That, is a wonderful idea, I thought.  There could be many application for it.  "Can you show me how it works?" I asked.  The machines are not connected, they told me.  They were not able to show me how it works as a terminal. 

The only reason why iPad or iPhone can not be loaded as a removable drive is because of security concerns.  The MP3's and eBooks are copyright protected.  If only those directories that contain the copyrighted files then they will be more accessible by the possibly criminals.  What the remote terminal does is that the files in tablets would be accessible freely.  The remote terminal apps might have security concerns. 

Instead of that wonderful feature, they showed me the Surface apps fully loaded with shop icons.  The sight of the ads of all those stores on the screen overwhelmed me.  It looked much bigger than the simple and elegant Apple Store.  "This may change the business style, and consumer life style", keynote speaker said. 

So how about Surface Pro?  The new version of Surface runs on Intel chip.  It means, it runs Windows 8.  And that means, every desktop apps should work on Surface Pro.  Would it be a killer machine?  Does that mean my desktop apps works on my tablet machine?  "You must recompile all apps for that machine," one of the participants told me.  "Surface Pro will be coming in January," the Microsoft people told me.  "The pricing is not yet announced.  It will be as big as the RT machine," they said in answering my questions. 

to be cont.

火曜日, 11月 27, 2012

ボックスレイアウトが absolute で破綻


Firefox, IE でボックスレイアウトを使用する場合。

位置指定に absolute を指定するとレイアウトが壊れます。

<div style="display:box;display:-moz-box;display:-webkit-box;position:absolute;top:100px">
<div style="width:100px;height:100px;border:1px solid blue"></div>
<div style="width:100px;height:100px;border:1px solid blue"></div>



月曜日, 11月 19, 2012

Google Analytics API: フィルターをつける


どおって... システム全部書き直せって?




Google Analytics のデータを取り出す方法。



火曜日, 11月 13, 2012


リンク切れ画像は、Firefox では表示されません。

ところが親切設計の IE や Chrome では、画像が見当たらないとそれ専用のアイコンを表示してしまいます。


きちんと表示されれば問題なく img タグだろうとなんだろうと構わないわけですが、ところがサーバーの都合でスクリプトが動かないという状況が発生。




本題へ。リンク切れ画像の IE と Chrome 対応策です。

img タグのすべての要素を取り出し、画像読み込みが終らないものをすべて非表示とすればよいようです。






Qt: 外部プログラムを起動する

  Qt/C++ のアプリは、外部へ直接アクセスできます。これはネットアプリでは不可能な Qt のメリットです。 外部プログラムを起動することもできます。QProcess::startDetached() を使うと独立したプロセスを立ち上げることができます。 この QProces...