土曜日, 3月 10, 2012

Silhouette Cameo arrived

Silhouette Cameo, the cutting machine arrived yesterday.

Silhouette Cameo

This is the machine of the future. Basically what this machine does is to cut flat and thin materials in any shapes that you specify. It should cut anything paper made that you look at in our lives, including packages, cards, paper craft, etc.


What more, it can detect markings on a printed surface. Any figures that can be printed out on a piece of paper can be cut out. There are a lot of designs for 3D models made out of paper.

A word of caution is that creating cutting pattern can be a little tricky and time consuming. Very thin materials such as copy paper needs extra caution to take it off from the adhesive mat. Heavier thicker paper than copy paper would do a better job.

This paper cutting machine opens up great many fronts in many areas of technologies, sciences, and crafting. This is an excellent tool for education as well. Cut shapes would appeal more to students. The assembled 3D models is much more than the printed images of polygons. Printing out the images of makes 3D modeling not only makes it much more fun but means even more to students of science when it has three dimensions.

Free download of the Silhouette Cameo Studio is here: silhouettestudio

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