金曜日, 10月 05, 2012


久しぶりに elisp でプログラム。



(defun replace-tags-region (from-string to-string begin end)
"Replaces from-string to to-string in the region from begin to end."
  (let ((len (- (length to-string)(length from-string))))
    (goto-char begin)
    (while (search-forward from-string end t)
      (replace-match to-string t)
      (setq end (+ end len)))))

(defun replace-tags-list (tag-list)
"Takes a list of (from-string to-string) and replaces all from-string to to-string in the buffer."
  (replace-tags-region (car tag-list) (cadr tag-list)(point-min)(point-max))) 


;; Usage:
;; (setq tag-list '(("TABLE" "table")("TD" "td")("TR" "tr")))
;; (replace-tags tag-list)

(defun replace-tags (tag-list)
"Takes a list of lists of (from-string to-string) and replaces all from-string to to-string in the buffer."
  (mapcar 'replace-tags-list tag-list))

(defun create-end-tag (tag-name)
  "Creates closing tag from the given tag-name."
  (concat "</" tag-name ">"))

(defun create-half-begin-tag (tag-name)
  "Creates opening tag from the given tag-name."
  (concat "<" tag-name " "))

(defun create-attribute-tag (tag-name)
  "Creates attribute string from the given tag-name."
  (concat " " tag-name "=\""))

(defun create-begin-tag (tag-name)
  "Creates opening tag from the given tag-name."
  (concat "<" tag-name ">"))


;; Usage:
;;(setq tag-list '("TABLE" "TD" "B" "BR" "A" "HTML" "NOSCRIPT" "SCRIPT" "HEAD" "BODY" "TR" "TITLE" "I"))
;;(mapcar (lambda (x)(create-replacement-list 'create-end-tag x)) tag-list)
(defun create-replacement-list (create-list tag-name)
"Creates a list of tag name and lowercase tag name lists."
  (cons (funcall create-list tag-name) (list (funcall create-list (downcase tag-name)))))

(defun lowercase-html-tags()
"Converts uppercase HTML tag names to lowercase."
  (let* ((tag-list '("TABLE" "TD" "B" "BR" "A" "HTML" "NOSCRIPT" "SCRIPT" "HEAD" "BODY" "TR" "TITLE" "I"))
  (half-tag-list '("TABLE" "TD" "A" "IMG" "LINK" "META" "SCRIPT" "BODY" "TR" "DIV"))
  (replacement-end-tags (mapcar (lambda (x)(create-replacement-list 'create-end-tag x)) tag-list))
  (replacement-begin-tags (mapcar (lambda (x)(create-replacement-list 'create-begin-tag x)) tag-list))
  (replacement-half-begin-tags (mapcar (lambda (x)(create-replacement-list 'create-half-begin-tag x)) half-tag-list))
  (replacement-attribute-tags (mapcar (lambda (x)(create-replacement-list 'create-attribute-tag x)) attribute-list)))
    (replace-tags replacement-attribute-tags)
    (replace-tags replacement-end-tags)
    (replace-tags replacement-half-begin-tags)
    (replace-tags replacement-begin-tags)))

Qt: 外部プログラムを起動する

  Qt/C++ のアプリは、外部へ直接アクセスできます。これはネットアプリでは不可能な Qt のメリットです。 外部プログラムを起動することもできます。QProcess::startDetached() を使うと独立したプロセスを立ち上げることができます。 この QProces...