月曜日, 10月 22, 2012

OOP, any problems?

Do not compare apples and oranges.

OOP is implemented as an extension of C.  But it is a completely different concept. 

What is good about OOP is the change of the design framework of programming.  Say, Lisp can be converted to C and that indeed is what the compiler does.  But they are different languages with more focuses on its abstraction.  Likewise, OOP is a way of abstraction, a way to express it.

Writing in Lisp is different from writing in C.  They are not interchangeable.  It may be the same to the machine but not to programmers.

Not even knowing the importance of its concepts and talking about issues of implementation, is somewhat like looking at trees and not seeing the woods.

It is just a way to devalue OOP. 

The reason why they are to denigrate the importance of the revolution, is totally of theirs, not ours.

In the year 2012, why should we need to emphasize the importance of OOP for Pete's sake?

Please.  Let us have the freedom of thoughts and religions.

Qt: 外部プログラムを起動する

  Qt/C++ のアプリは、外部へ直接アクセスできます。これはネットアプリでは不可能な Qt のメリットです。 外部プログラムを起動することもできます。QProcess::startDetached() を使うと独立したプロセスを立ち上げることができます。 この QProces...